
body back Bow

§   Self-controlled massage.
§   Fixed-point deep layer massage.
§   Preventive massage.
§   Anytime massage.
§    Back muscles are the most important massage areas and this innovative device not only helps to relax your muscles but also harmonize your inner organ systems.
The only massage tool that can treat every point of the entire body back with:
§ 3D forces for fixed point deep layer massage.
§  2D forces for long length, any direction sliding relaxing massage.

§More convenience than masseur.
§Base on massage principle, prevent & relax body back pain like trigger point.
§ Ergonomic design, easy operation.
§ Light weight durable materialrigid structure, for life long use.
§ No need of electricity.
§ space saving.
§High cost-performance ratio relative to massage chair and masseur.
§ Easy assembly & carry with, for anytime use.

§Sliding relaxing massage : By pressing and sliding the bbBow on the skin along the direction of muscle bundle, it can stimulate blood circulation, relax muscles, avoid overwork, boost immune system, and harmonize inner organ systems.
§ Fixed-point deep layer massage :    Simultaneously, rub and press the muscle knots, also known as trigger point that were found as taking sliding relaxing massage. Experts have found that fixed-point deep layer massage relives chronic pain effectively.
Because the bbBow is arched bow, it is much easier to operate back and forth along the direction of the grip.
For example when using sliding relaxing massage along both sides of the spine, you must hold the bbBow vertically with respect to the ground, while keep the head a little low so as not to run into.
If use fixed point deep layer massage to treat trigger point on both sides of the spine, then keep the bbBow moving horizontally with respect to the ground. Do not slip on the skin and clothing surface, and using appropriate force, not too hard but be a little pain that could be endured, pressing one trigger point up to about 20 seconds. If pressed too hard and too long may increase injury. Before pressing aged injured trigger point, it is better to heat for 15-20 minutes first, so that the healing effect is much improved...

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1 則留言:

  1. Thank you from Los Angeles. I had severe lower back pain for a long time. After I used bbBow for 3 weeks, on the daily basis by message the pressure point or pain area, my lower back pain are completely gone. I am still using it I don't want the pain come back. Now, I can do many thing without pain such as sit and stand up, get out the car, walk upstairs, meditation, singing, sneezing, dancing. Now I can have good sleep without taking pain killer.
    Thanks to bbBow brought back my quality life.
